Our jars have peelable Labels

When we design our products and packaging we always think about it's end of life: we want our packaging to be used multiple times to extend its useful life for as long as possible. As a result we've now got fully peelable labels so you can re-use our honey jars without all that painstaking soaking and picking at the old label which really did stick to the jar like glue! I'm so pleased with these, just look at the difference 

I really hope this encourages you all to re-use our smart square jars and give them a longer and more adventurous and purposeful life! 

One of our customers uses them to store herbs in; another fills them with treats, ties a bow around the top and gives them as presents.

Our honey is packed in local hay

Our honeys are packed in brown cardboard boxes and nestled in hay that's been grown and cut in fields around us here in Yorkshire.  Not only is this incredibly sustainable, but it also means you get the sweet smell of hay when you first open your box.

We’ re using materials that, if thrown away, won’t spend their next-life in landfill but recycled into new products or composted and live again.

All of our packaging is 100% recyclable and made in the UK to keep our transport miles and carbon footprint down, and to support other British businesses. 

We focus on beautiful design

Our honeys are all limited edition honeys so they, and their beekeepers, deserve smart packaging and a bit of showing off!  It means that even a jar of our honey is special enough to be given to someone as a present.

One of our Honey Club subscribers told me that if she ever has too much honey she pops the box in her ‘present drawer’ and gives it to friends as a birthday present or as a thank-you. It means there’s no such thing as too much honey!