We get raw honey from Pete in Spitel, Derbyshire, UK
Pete Darbyshire
Pete Darbyshire, has a perfect surname for one of our environmentally friendly and ethical small scale beekeepers from Derbyshire! We have raw honey, from the bees he keeps on an allotment in Spitel, Chesterfield.

Pete is a retired Biology teacher and took up beekeeping so that he could have his own supply of honey to help his hayfever which, I’m pleased to say, worked for him!
His bees are tucked away right at the back of an allotment in an almost bramble bush tunnel, with lime trees just over the allotment wall. The allotments are well cared for and Pete showed me some where the gardeners had planted marigolds around the edges as bait for the bugs, luring them away from their vegetables. The bees are also within flying distance of heather which you can taste his raw honey.